Species Characteristics
Click on the name to see the species characteristics of the different wasp varieties of Northern Europe and their nesting habits.
Common Wasp - Vespula (Paravespula) vulgaris
Common Wasp – Vespula (Paravespula) vulgaris
Nests underground and in cavities in trees and buildings
German Wasp - Vespula (Paravespula) germanica
German Wasp – Vespula (Paravespula) germanica
Nests underground and in cavities in trees and buildings.
Tree Wasp - Vespula (Dolichovespula) sylvestris
Tree Wasp – Vespula (Dolichovespula) sylvestris
Nests are suspended from tree branches or constructed underground.
Norwegian Wasp - Vespula (Dolichovespula) norvegica
Norwegian Wasp – Vespula (Dolichovespula) norvegica
Constructs small nests on twigs on, for example, gooseberry bushes or hawthorns.
Cuckoo Wasp - Vespula austriaca
Cuckoo Wasp – Vespula austriaca
Is parasitic and lays its eggs in the nest of Red Wasps.
Red Wasp - Vespula rufa
Red Wasp – Vespula rufa
Nests underground.
Hornet - Vespa crabro
Hornet – Vespa crabro
The largest of all wasps but relatively uncommon, they nest in hollow trees or occasionally buildings.